Steel Waste Pelletization Plant at CAP Acero in Chile for TMS International

Direxa recently completed a project at CAP Acero in Concepción – Chile for TMS international. The plant is designed to produce 4000 T/month of high-quality extruded pellets, allowing the waste reclamation of:

  • Mill scale

  • Blast furnace dust

  • Blast furnace sludge

  • Iron ore fines

  • Cokes fines

First, the mix is screened for a particle size control. The mix is then fed to a shearing extruder to optimize the plasticity. The next step is the agglomeration of the fines in a J.C. Steele 45 stiff extruder. Finally, the pellets are conveyed and stored for curing before feeding to CAP Steel Blast Furnace.

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Yann RouquieCAP Acero Steel